
Congruence of Coherence Peaks of Daily Geomagnetic Activity and Total Earthquakes with Mintaka’s (Orion’s Belt) 5.7 Day Periodicity: Potential Implications for Astrobiology

Blake T. Dotta, Joseph M. Caswell and Michael A. Persinger

A single strong frequency-dependence was revealed by cross-spectral analysis between daily geomagnetic activity and total numbers of daily earthquakes between 2009 through 2013 that exhibited a 5.7 day cycle. We examined the potential for association with Mintaka’s double star orbital periodicity of 5.73 days. Calculations of gravitational force and equivalent energies between the earth and Mintaka as well as the variations with orbital periodicity indicated reliable radiant flux densities upon the terrestrial surface in the order of 10-11 W·m-2. This is within the same order of magnitude as background photon emissions whose increase occurs conspicuously before major earthquakes and are related to geomagnetic activity. This magnitude of power has recently been measured from preparations of brain tissue and from human cerebrums while subjects sat in hyper-dark settings and engaged in imagination. The power density also matches the gravitational energy within a human brain mass from empirical measurements of the variation in G. The convergence of quantitative solutions suggests that shared periodicities from some very distant stellar objects may affect terrestrial processes assuming the power densities are congruent.