
Endorphins on Cancer: A Novel Therapeutic Approach

Shrihari TG

Endorphins are natural neuropeptides secreted by anterior pituitary gland through hypothalamus in response to stress full conditions such as physical exercise, yoga and meditation. Stress is also a one of the predisposing factor for cancer by activating inflammatory mediators such as IL-1 and TNF-α, involved in tumor progression. It has stress buster activity by reducing cortisol, analgesic activity by inhibiting substance P, euphoric activity by releasing dopamine and immune-stimulatory activity by activating NK cells, macrophages. It can be used for natural antitumor activity by activating NK cells, macrophage innate immune cells, and has anti-inflammatory activity by inducing IL-12, IL-8 cytokines. It has got it’s receptors on the immune cells, binding of endogenous opioids such as beta endorphin to the receptors on the immune cells, activates immune cells. This article briefs about the role of Beta endorphin on cancers and its anticancer activities.