
An epidemiological cross-sectional study of complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in outpatients in an urban health center

Richa Arun Shete and S R Suryawanshi

Diabetes is now being shown to be associated with a spectrum of complications and to be occurring at a relatively younger age within the country. In India, the steady migration of people from rural to urban areas, the economic boom, and corresponding change in life-style are all affecting the level of diabetes. Diabetes is now seen to be prevalent even among the lower socio-economic strata. Hence this studies to evaluate the complications of diabetes in the population of urban slum dwellers. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of micro vascular and macro vascular complications of diabetes mellitus type 2. The study design is cross sectional descriptive. The sample size is 165 and it was calculated considering the prevalence of chronic complications in a study by Zhaolan Liu et al using the formula N 4pq/12. Results from this study show that 59.4% of the participants were from the age group of 40-59 years. In this study out of the total participants i.e 165,118 (71.5%) are females and 47 (28.5) are males. P value = 0.05 which shows statistical significance in the association of the symptom of slipping of slippers with that of duration of Diabetes. Maximum study participants; 64 out of 165 (38.8%) had 2 complications. 43(26.2%) had proteinuria which is indicative of nephropathy. 64 study participants (39%) had neuropathy.49 study participants (29.8%) had ocular complications. 34 study participants (20.7%) had history of coronary artery disease. 16 study participants (9.8%) had history of cerebrovascular accident. 24 study participants (14.6%) had history of peripheral vascular disease. 13 study participants (7.9%) had foot problems. The prevalence of chronic complications among the urban slum dwellers with diabetes is high and measures should be taken for early diagnosis of these complications and treatment should be started immediately.