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Etiological Profile, Clinical Features and Medical Management of Acute Pericarditis in Burkina Faso

Nobila Valentin Yameogo, Laurence Eudoxie Benon, Larissa Justine Kagambega, Georges Rosario Christian Millogo, Dangwe Temoa Naibe, Koudougou Jonas Kologo, Boubacar Jean Yves Toguyeni, Andre K Samadoulougou and Patrice Zabsonre

Through a prospective study, we follow up a sample of patients presenting acute pericarditis from January 2010 to December 2011. There were 43 cases composed of 20 men and 23 women. The average age was 41.4 ± 16.1 years. The leading clinical signs were infectious syndrome (100%), dyspnea (86%), and chest pain (79.1%). Right heart failure was found in 27.9% of cases, hypotension in 23.2% of cases and pulsus paradoxus in 20.9% of cases. Echocardiography found pericardial effusion in 88.4% of cases. This effusion was of great amount in 26.3% of cases of pericardial effusion. Cardiac tamponade was encountered in six cases. We identified an etiology in 88.4% of cases. These etiologies were tuberculosis in 47.4% of cases. As treatment, anti-tuberculous drugs associated to corticosteroids were systematic in tuberculous forms. In other cases, we used aspirin associated to corticosteroids or colchicine as appropriate. Six cases of recurrence were observed in exclusively tuberculous forms. Two cases of deaths were occurred.