
Factors Precipitating Hospitalization for Heart failure in Nizwa Hospital, Al-Dakhiliya Region (Oman)

Mourad L. Alsharkawy

Background: The goals of treatment for all stages of heart failure are the same: to treat the underlying cause, reduce heart failure symptoms, and stop disease progression. 

Objective of the Study: Are the factors precipitating heart failure and subsequent admission in Al-Dakhylia region {Oman}is in harmony with what was mentioned in guide lines and literature or there is something specific ?


Review cases from age 13 and above admitted from 01/01/2010 up to 30/06/2010, in Nizwa hospital CCU with    acute heart failure, diagnosed according to clinical finding and non invasive diagnostic tools which done during admission . Searching for the main cause of precipitating the attack for admission and readmission in the same period, data collected the name of patients ,age ,sex ,the final diagnosis ,date of admission and the precipitating factor  for each admission .


77 patients was admitted with heart failure, total Numbers of admissions was 116 times, 35 males and 42 females. The commonest precipitating factors for hospitalization for HF.  

According to prevailing in Al-dakhlyia region :-

1-     Ischemia.

2-     Infection.

3-     Poor compliance with medication.

4-     Other.

5-     Arrhythmia.  

6-     Hypertension.  


Close follow up through specialized clinic with-

Clear plan for management correctible causes like ischemia by suitable revascularization intervention technique.  Early pick up symptoms and sign of chest infection with management and use applicable preventive measures through immunization with influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. Proper education {through social worker team}. All can add to improve the quality of management   precipitating factors of heart failure and subsequent admission all significantly well be cost effective in management system. Image