
Human Leukocyte Antigens and Host Factors are Associated with Good Health in Ageing Indian Population

Mahendra N Mishra and Puja Dudeja

Background: An efficient functional immune system is likely to be responsible for both good health and longevity. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system is responsible for many aspects of immunity.
Aims and objectives: This case-control study was carried out with to study the association of HLA with longevity and good health in Asian Indian population. The results of tissue-typing by serology and role of host factors in longevity was also evaluated.
Methods: A detailed questionnaire was administered to all 76 participants and 75 controls which included family history of longevity followed by a thorough clinical examination, routine hematological and biochemical testing. Tissue-typing in cases was performed by microlymphocytotoxicity (n=70), sequence specific primers (SSP) (n =06) or both (n=39) for class I antigens and by SSP for class II antigens. Statistical analysis was carried out by Chisquare test. P values and Odds ratio were calculated.
Results: A higher frequency of A*30, C*06, DRB1*13, DPB1*04:01 and *04:02 was present in the subjects
whereas A*29, A*33, B*07, B*35, B*44, C*01, C*07, C*15 DRB1*04 was seen in the controls of which the antigens
B*15, C*07 and C*15 were statistically significant. Longevity was found to be clustered in families. The study also
brought out the polymorphism for DPB1 alleles min Asian Indians.