
The composition of visual memory and the impact of emotions: the color of memory

Nydia J Gutierrez

Art therapy creates an implicit memory that helps to reduce stress and anticipates emotional cognitive changes and behavior. It creates a regular function between peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and the somatic nervous system. This model is represented as a neural algorithm that defines brain functions and models. The model represents a brain relation, behavior, and correlation to human thought and the human mind. In the peripheral nervous system we find dividend between the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system. The model design and created in this research presents daily functioning cognitive variables that serve as a unity to reduce stress and negative emotional experiences. There is an increase of variation and stimulation that carries effects and voluntary messages to the brain. We induce into a calm cognitive effect and hierarchy that helps to regulate our inner unconscious, subconscious, and thoughts. This also helps defines a healthy synapses and dendrites that intercommunicates with the brain. The Visual Memory Index (VMI) represents the capacity of an person to record, store , and retrieve visual and spatial information and recreate it immediately and after a delay of 20–30 minutes. Within the table, the subtests measure memory for visual imagery, spatial relationships, and singletrial learning. Spatial position recall is also measured in the adult battery, but is not directly tested Measured on battery Older Person. The VMI consists of the adult battery's immediate and delayed conditions of Visual Reproduction and Designs and the immediate and delayed conditions of Visual Reproduction in the Older Adult battery.