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The Role of Lipids in Inflammation: Review of the Evolving Pathogenesis of Sickle Cell Disease

Anazoeze Jude Madu, Nada Abuknesha and Kebreab Ghebremeskel

The pathologic features of sickle cell disease had been known in the past to be as a result of red cell abnormality leading to vascular occlusion, haemolysis and consequent anaemia. Recent knowledge has revealed numerous pathogenetic pathways involving leukocytes, platelets and the vascular endothelium. Complex interactions between the inflammatory cytokines and the membrane lipids in sickle cell present several pathogenetic processes affecting disease severity. The mechanisms of membrane fluidity, aggregation, adhesion and inflammation are strongly associated with membrane lipid constitution. The omega -3 fatty acids via incorporation into the lipid membrane have been found to play a central role in suppressing inflammation in several disease processes. Variations in disease severity have been shown to correspond with levels of fatty acid desaturases involved in the synthesis of these fatty acids. The genes coding for these substances can also be manipulated to achieve a favorable outcome and may provide several possible therapeutic and prophylactic access points This review aims at exploring these delicate interactions and proffering possible targets to ameliorate disease features. The information and referenced publications quoted in this review were obtained from the PubMed Central database, using the search keywords; inflammation, sickle cell, fatty acids and cytokines