
To Determine Cutoff Value of Triglycerides to HDL Ratio in Cardio Vascular Risk Factors

Qurat Ul Ain, Naveed Asif, Mehwish Gilani, Noreen, Waqas Sheikh and Aammad Akram

Objective: This study was conducted with the aim of determining the cutoff value for Triglycerides to HDL ratio in adults with cardiovascular risk factors.
Study design: The study design was cross sectional which is observational cross sectional.
Place and duration of study: Department of Chemical Pathology and Endocrinology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Rawalpindi from January 2018-June 2018.
Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional study conducted after the Institutional Review Board‘s (IRB) approval at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology from January 2018-June 2018. Data was collected from 354 patients. Inclusion criteria included adults with 19-50 years of age. Patient with comorbidity like cancer, tuberculosis, bed ridden patients were excluded from study. Sampling technique was simple random sampling which was done by simply picking participants through random numbers.
Results: Out of a total 354 patients selected, 269 (71.5%) were females while 86 (22.9%) were males with mean age of 37 ± 11.64 years with range of 22-60 years of age group. A cut off of 1.0 for Triglycerides to HDL–c ratio was able to identify participants with cardio metabolic risk factors (obesity, hypertension, diabetes). The AUC of ROC for the ability of TG/HDL-C ratio to predict cardio metabolic risk factors was significant with coordinates of 0.68 ± 1.60 (p-value=0.03). Particularly with a cutoff point of 1.0 it showed a sensitivity of 76% while specificity was 64% for early diagnosis of cardiovascular risks factors.
Conclusion: This study concluded that using 1.0 as an optimal cutoff of TG/HDL ratio can be used as a predictor and an early marker for cardio metabolic risk factors.