ISSN: 2378-5756
Abstracto extendido
The efficacy of Boswellic acids on cognition after traumatic brain injury: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial - Shakila Meshkat - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Revisión de expertos
Sixth nerve palsy in children – Etiology, long term course and a diagnostic algorithm - Ferass Abu Hanna - Emek Medical Center
Why Smart goal setting is dumb; the science of goal setting - Glenn Daniels - Touch Stone Publishers
Correlation of cortical lesions of multiple sclerosis at double inversion recovery with cognition screening scores - Sally Mohamed Shaaban Elsheshtawy - Mansoura University
Development and validation of a novel image software for automatic semi quantitative analysis of Tc-99m Trodat-1 SPECT in patients with suspicious Parkinson’s disease - Chun-Che Hung - Chang Gung University