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Fronteras en Ciencias de la Vida: Básicas y Aplicadas

Artículo de investigación

Aphelinid parasitoids (Hymenoptera; Aphelinidae) of whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from India

  • *Begum S, Anis SB, Farooqi MK, Rehmat T, Fatma J

Artículo de investigación

In vitro study of antimicrobial activity in freshwater mussel (Lamellidens marginalis) extracts

  • *Estari M, Satyanarayana J, Kumar BS, Bikshapathi T, Reddy AS, Venkanna L

Artículo de investigación

Effect of cadmium on the growth of tomato

  • *Rehman F, Khan FA, Varshney D, Naushin F, Rastogi J

Artículo de investigación

Biological factors responsible for failure of osseointegration in oral implants

  • *Hadi SA, Ashfaq N, Bey A, Khan S

Artículo de investigación

Periodontitis: a significant risk factor for preterm low birth weight (PTLBW) babies

  • Bey A, Gupta ND, Khan S,*Ashfaq N, Hadi SA

Artículo de investigación

A study of biofilm production by gram-negative organisms isolated from diabetic foot ulcer patients

  • *Zubair M, Malik A, Ahmad J, Rizvi M, Farooqui KJ, Rizvi MW

Artículo de investigación

Evaluation of antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles against MSSA and MRSA on isolates from skin infections

  • Ansari MA, *Khan HM, Khan AA, Malik A, Sultan A, Shahid M, Shujatullah F, Azam A

Artículo de investigación

Nutritional significance of sulphur in pulse cropping system

  • Khan TA, *Mazid M

Artículo de investigación

Tissue engineering - the promise of regenerative dentistry

  • Kumar A, Mukhtar-Un-Nisar S, *Zia A

Artículo de investigación

Leptospirosis: an emerging disease in cryptogenic hepatitis patients in north India

  • *Rizvi M, Azam M, Shukla I, Malik A, Ajmal MR

Artículo de investigación

Studies on the protective effect of fish oil against cisplatin induced hepatotoxicity

  • Naqshbandi A, Khan MW, Rizwan S, Yusufi ANK, *Khan F

Artículo de investigación

Do the mothers in rural Aligarh know about home based management of acute diarrhoea?

  • *Shah MS, Ahmad A, Khalique N, Khan IM, Ansari MA, Khan Z

Artículo de investigación

Mineralization of aminobenzenesulfonates by a newly isolated bacterial co-culture (AS1 and AS2)

  • *Singh S, Awasthi SK, Iyengar L, Ashfaq M, Singh P

Artículo de investigación

Oral biomarkers in the diagnosis and progression of periodontal diseases

  • *Zia A, Khan S, Bey A, Gupta ND, Mukhtar-Un-Nisar S

Artículo de investigación

Chemoprotective activity of hydro-ethanolic extract of Euphorbia neriifolia Linn leaves against DENA-induced liver carcinogenesis in mice

  • Pracheta, *Sharma V, Paliwal R, Sharma S, Singh L, Janmeda BS, Savita, Yadav S, Sharma SH

Artículo de investigación

Management of chromium induced oxidative stress by marine Bacillus licheniformis

  • Kavitha V, Radhakrishnan N, *Gnanamani A, Mandal AB

Artículo de investigación

A potential antibacterial agent Embelin, a natural benzoquinone extracted from Embelia ribes

  • Radhakrishnan N, *Gnanamani A, Mandal AB