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Volumen 6, Asunto 10 (2015)

Artículo de investigación

Physical and Structural Characterization of Biofield Energy Treated Carbazole

  • Snehasis Jana, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak and Gunin Saikia


Emergence of Herbal Antimicrobial Drug Resistance in Clinical Bacterial Isolates

  • Prasanna Vadhana, Bhoj R Singh, Monika Bharadwaj and Shiv Varan Singh

Artículo de investigación

Enhanced Oral Bioavailability of Alitretinoin by Lipid Drug Delivery System

  • Saket Bhasin and Ritesh Patel

Artículo de investigación

Determination of Hematological Effects of Methanolic Leaf Extract of S. incanum in Normal Mice

  • Njagi J Muriithi, Gitahi S Maina, Njagi M Mugendi, Mwangi B Maina, Mworia J Kiambi, Juma K Kelvin, Aliyu Umar, Mwonjoria K John, Njoroge W Ann, Abdirahman YA, Ngugi M Piero and Njagi NM Eliud

Artículo de investigación

Characterization of Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Chitosan and Sodium Alginate after Biofield Treatment

  • Snehasis Jana, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Rama Mohan Tallapragada, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak and Rakesh Kumar Mishra

Artículo de investigación

Dietary Content and Evaluation of Metals in Four Types of Tea (White, Black, Red and Green) Consumed by the Population of the Canary Islands

  • Gonzalez-Weller D, Rubio C, Gutiérrez AJ, Pérez B, Hernández-Sánchez C, Caballero JM, Revert C and Hardisson A

Artículo de revisión

Drug Target Screening and its Validation by Zebrafish as a Novel Tool

  • Omprakash G Bhusnure, Jyoti M Mane, Sachin B Gholve, Sanjay S Thonte, Padmaja S Giram and Jaiprakash N Sangshetti

Artículo de investigación

Characterization of Physical, Thermal and Spectral Properties of Biofield Treated O-Aminophenol

  • Snehasis Jana, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Rama Mohan Tallapragada, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak and Rakesh Kumar Mishra

Artículo de investigación

Omeprazole does not Potentiate Acute Oxygen Toxicity in Fetal Human Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells Exposed to Hyperoxia

  • Ananddeep Patel, Shaojie Zhang, Bhagavatula Moorthy and Binoy Shivanna

Artículo de investigación

Fibroblast Cell Cultivation on Wooden Pulp Cellulose Hydrogels for Cytocompatibility Scaffold Method

  • Takaomi Kobayashi and Karla L Tovar-Carrillo